An Open Letter To The President—President Donald Trump............... WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA formally requests a meeting with you to discuss the ongoing and much debated issue on the wild horse and burro roundups that have and are taking place. WE feel that you are not receiving the TRUTH about this issue and WE would like the opportunity to present those facts to you personally without the ipresence of the agency The Bureau of Land Management OR bureaucrats with private agendas. We understand there are usual channels to go through to talk with you. But we also know you can hold an audience with American taxpayers if you wish. The facts, figures and seemingly endless "experts" that are presented to you are wrong. WE also have facts, figures and "experts" who know this issue inside and out. The REAL truth Mr. President is there is NO over population of wild horses. There are NO starving horses. There is only greed, political pressure and favoritism of cattle, owned by those who have friends or family that sit on the panel for the Blm , OR have succumbed to the greed and political pressure of those who have the interests. This has caused THE AMERICAN. PEOPLES wild horses to be brought to the point of extinction. On the platform you ran on for the president of this country, you told the American people you were for them..WE THE PEOPLE heard you and voted you in as OUR president. WE are the American taxpayers who have long been denied a voice in decisions about how our very hard earned money is spent. But to the thousands and thousands of people, the taxpayers, the decisions being made and carried out by the Blm are cruel, unnecessary, exspensive to us, the taxpayer, and very likely against the laws set forth by OUR founding fathers when it was formed. The WILD FREE-ROAMING wild horse and burro act, signed into law in 1971 (Public Law 92-195) by then President Richard Nixon, has somehow been ignored and amended by those who have been tasked to protect them. Mr. President, the laws and morals have been blatantly ignored by the agency that is paid for by the American taxpayer. When my grandchild comes and asks me why are there no wild horses that they read about in their books, how am I to respond to that? What would you say to your own grandchild if you were asked? Would you tell them that the laws were ignored and that you had the opportunity to stop it but didn't? I realize you have many voices in your ear about this, giving you the a fore mentioned facts and statistics. Even perhaps justifying those actions. But WE also have those, plus concerned "boots on the ground observers" who are constantly monitoring this situation. And they tell a very different tale. The difference is Mr. President, they have NO agendas. They don't own cattle or have interests in ranches or grazing on OUR public lands. OUR horses land. WE have the true facts Mr. President. WE request a chance to present these facts to you. I think you will be surprised, even angry that the American people have and are being taken advantage of. The Fact is that the only ones who seem to want the horses to be what they are, wild and free, ARE the American people. Therefore I present an idea to you of letting the American people and advocates assume the management of the wild horses. And the full return of all the ones currently in holding and long term holding, who will also be under the people's management. WE THE PEOPLE do not want OUR taxes spent to imprison the wild horses and WE certainly don't want to pay OUR taxes to wealthy landowners to "store" thousands of horses to the tune of millions a year. That should not be the way it is in this country. Allow us to meet with you, one on one, and let us present the truth to you. WE the AMERICAN PEOPLE trust you will consider meeting with us, because we are all Americans and WE all want it to be great again. We wait for your response on this extremely important and urgent issue. Thank you
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