It can be difficult to find places to live when you own an alleged aggressive breed dog. Those who are not financially stable to buy their own homes have to rent. Some of these people own an aggressive breed dog, and because of this it makes it very difficult people to take care of their loved animals, and find a decent place to live. Canines should not be labeled by one bad action. Yes, there can be a few bad eggs but deal with them properly, and don't go and accuse that whole breed as agressive. In most scenerios, the owners have mistreated their pets which is why they lash out the negativity way they do. I know there can be accidents and misunderstandings, but we still don't understand dogs brains fully as we don't understand the human brain fully. We don't understand why they feel the way they feel towards certain people, or why they act some of the ways they do.. but those breeds shouldn't be held accountable, be rejected or discriminated against. We have come such a long way as humans with race, and discrimination, even though it's still an ongoing issue there still has been much success, and I feel people need to start viewing animals this way. Some of these alleged breeds are the biggest sweethearts in the world. Don't let size, or the loudness of a bark scare you. Let THEM (canines) get to know YOU first and they will make their judgment, which leads to their actions. Try to understand the animals first, as you would ty to understand and interact with a child. That's what animals/pets are, your children and need to be TAUGHT right from wrong and given a chance. SO PLEASE HELP GET RID OF THE AGRESSIVE BREED LAW IN MICHIGAN.