Hi 👋,
The last petition about Suman that I created wasn't successful and was closed down. I won't give up on you Suman (and family), I promise...
Anyhow, Suman is a six/seven-year old Asian elephant 🐘 who was born to Moonlight Circus in India 🇮🇳. The circus was shut down due to allegations of animal cruelty. She was then sent to work with a TV show, which was also shut down due to allegations of animal cruelty. She was then sold to a man who is known for abusing elephants and has hit another elephant 🐘 with a hatchet, if I'm right.
Bullhooks are a cruel instrument, a weapon with a hook, which are used to control and train elephants 🐘 for riding and circuses. Phajaan is a cruel process for training elephants to be ridden. The name phajaan means "to crush" or something like that. The elephants 🐘 are broken using fear tactics by the Mahout, elephant driver. They do as wanted by the Mahout because they fear them. Phajaan involves beating and isolating elephants (elephants are social animals). Once broken, the elephants are forced to give rides to people, especially tourists, working up and down the hot 🥵 streets of India 🇮🇳 and other countries (e.g. Thailand 🇹🇭), probably getting uncomfortable with the heat and their feet getting burned on the hot roads and pavements. This SHOULD NOT be allowed to happen to Suman, her family or any other elephants 🐘 (or any other sentient beings!) You might say the saddest part is that Wildlife SOS, a group that works in India 🇮🇳 to save animals like bears 🐻 and elephants 🐘 (Oh my!) in amongst
others, managed to rescue Suman's older sister Peanut, but not Suman. Her parents are also probably still be held captive.
Please, please, please, please do whatever you can (ethically, within reason and whilst still looking after yourselves and doing other kind and/or non-violent things) to help get Suman and her parents rescued, the family reunited and help stop commercial elephant 🐘 riding.
Please also email the Forest Department of Rajasthan kindly urging them to help as much as they can (whilst doing other good stuff). acp.it.forest@rajasthan.gov.in
* Providing they won't be too upset by it...
Thank you 😊 to the moon 🌒 (an extra, extra special, good moon) and back for helping Suman and her family and for all the good you do, will do and have ever done.
May you (signers, sharers, viewers, targets and all others), Suman, all of her family (Chanda, Bijli, Peanut and all others) and all other sentient beings be perfectly well, healthy, happy and safe forever ♾ (an extra special, good symbol for you, Suman and all other sentient beings 😊).
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!
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