Help liberate the suffering souls of captive dolphins!
A recent visit to Orlando's Sea World made me come across the dolphin exhibit. The seemingly lifeless dolphins swimming in circles while in the blistering sun made me question whether shade is available to them. I asked the woman who works for the dolphins about this and she quickly tensed and grew defensive. Condescendingly, she asked me what I think happens when sunlight hits the water- it refracts-and offered that this refraction in light gives them shade underwater. I researched this, and found that not only is the depth of captive dolphin tanks not nearly enough to provide shade, but that the unnatural behaviors dolphins are expected to do, the creases in their necks formed from keeping their heads vertically upright, premature tooth decay stemming from chewing on the concrete surface from to extreme boredom, the daily anti-anxiety drugs and antibiotics they are force fed, the thousands of miles they travel in congested trucks and vans to move from one park to the next, and the separation from family members they undergo due to this transportation can only be described as heartless behavior on the part of humans. We as those with a voice can provide it to those that have none. The solution to this inhumane behavior is the same solution to orca captivity, which as of the moment is the center of public sympathy. This solution mainly involves: 1) Stop the breeding of captive dolphins in influential parks like SeaWorld first, 2) Create ocean pens to accustom many captive dolphins to the sea (exposing them to live fish which prompts them to hunt, and the natural underwater landscape of the sea). Global attention is currently on Orcas, and leaps and bounds have been made for that species. This can only mean that the pressure on captive dolphins will increase soon as there are no more captive orcas to make money from. Why can't we show the world that the same can happen for dolphins? Soon Beluga whales who go through the same issues as orcas and dolphins, and perhaps a better world can see the liberation of even more species. Please! Help me give these animals a life they would want to live!
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