Demand Fox fire Jesse Watters for making a rape joke about Kamala Harris!

Fox host Jesse Watters has a long history of making disgustingly racist and misogynistic comments, but his latest attack on Kamala Harris is truly a bridge too far.

During an August 26th episode of "the Five," Watters attacked Harris' credentials and ended with a barely disguised rape joke. "What is her foreign policy? This is where the president has the most impact," Watters asked. "We don't know who she is, we don't know what she believes. She's going to get paralyzed in the situation room while the generals have their way with her."

Fire Jesse Watters!

Even his fellow Fox hosts were astounded and appalled by his words, as co-host Jeanine Pirro quickly condemned his comments, saying: "I don't like that. Take it back."

Crude bigotry is par for the course at Fox News, but these kinds of comments about the Democratic nominee for president — who has more than proven her foreign policy chops, thank you VERY much — is beyond unacceptable from a man who should have been fired for his racist and sexist remarks years ago.

Demand Fox fire Jesse Watters for making a rape joke about Kamala Harris!

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