Get Justice For Romeo
On the morning of May 28th, our dog was murdered by our neighbor, Robert McConnell, though that was not known to us at the time. It all started when our dogs, Molly and Romeo, were playing in the yard and mysteriously ran up to the cornfield behind our house. Not long after, gunshots were heard, and Molly came back... but Romeo didn't. We were hoping that Romeo just ran away, scared, so we looked all day for him. When we confronted Robert, he told us he had no idea where the dog was, and then scolded us and demanded we get off of his property. We obliged, but we were not happy about it, since his attitude was very off-putting. We didn't want to assume the worst, but the lack of anyone actually seeing Romeo made us fearful that something sad and tragic happened to him. My family called the State Police, and we explained the situation: we heard gunshots, our dog is missing, and no one has seen him. The police talked to Robert, and he claimed his name was 'Fred', and told them he had no idea where the dog was; that he had not seen him. As the day grew dark, and our hopes began to diminish, my mother and I made one last effort to search for Romeo. We searched where the Farmer had not allowed us to in the day: his backyard. There, we found Romeo -- still warm -- and buried in a shallow grave. This had taken a huge deal on me and my family, but especially my sister. He was her baby. Signing this petition will allow us to bring Justice to our family pet, who was the sweetest dog a family could ask for. Gaining the attention of PETA, the News and other outlets would allow us to reach those who care just as passionately about animals and their rights as we do. It would allow us to ensure that this man could never hurt a pet, or a family member, ever again. Please help us get justice for Romeo.
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