Stop devastating supertrawlers, convert them into litter-pickers of the oceans
First things first, what are supertrawlers? Massive fishing boats with nets so large they can contain up to 13 jumbojets. They roam our oceans and seas, indiscriminately hauling tonnes of marine animals, from sardines to dolphins and protected whale sharks to prehistoric sea turtles and disrupting fragile marine ecosystems worldwide. Marine animals are being caught faster than they can reproduce and the consequences will be enormous.
Fish and other marine animals are already struggling with the human-caused climate crisis as the oceans are warming up and they are ingesting all of the human rubbish ending up in the oceans.
Now is the time to turn the tide and do something that really counts in terms of the health of our planet and all forms of life on it, including ours. Convert all supertrawlers into SUPERtrawlers that clean up ghostnets, plastic and other general rubbish from the lungs of our planet and ban these monsterboats from fishing for fish!
Many of these trawlers are subsidized by taxpayers' money. If they were cleaning our oceans and seas, I would be happy about these subsidies and feel that the taxes I pay, the same as most of us, were being put to good use.
Let's tell our governments that we will no longer accept supertrawlers and that we want SUPERtrawlers
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