Coronavirus: Over 120 people meet for stag hunt: Where are the Police! or is it one Rule for US & ZERO Rules for then YET AGAIN!!!!!

 The Independent -
About 130 people met for a stag hunt, almost all not wearing masks, in scenes critics said "made a mockery of the social sacrifices" of others to limit the spread of coronavirus.

The Devon and Somerset Staghounds, who recently received a £10,000 grant and a £50,000 loan from taxpayer-backed coronavirus schemes, attracted dozens of followers when they hunted on Thursday. They go out three times a week between August and the end of April.

A witness from the League Against Cruel Sports estimated there were 30 riders, up to 70 cars, each with more than one follower in, and several quad bikes at the hunt.
"It makes a mockery of the sacrifices people are making around the country to limit gatherings and stop the spread of the disease," he said.

"A large number of them were elderly so vulnerable to coronavirus. It's ridiculous – we can't meet more than six people in our gardens but if you're on horseback hunting it's fine.

"I only saw one person with a mask on. Yet you go to the high street and everyone in shops wears masks. These people were undermining all that."

A league spokesman said the gathering of 130 "flew in the face of" the spirit of the coronavirus restrictions.

Downing Street tweets this week include:

"If you are meeting friends, make sure that you do so in groups of no more than 6."
"Whether you are meeting friends inside or at the park this weekend, you must not meet in a group larger than 6 people in England."
"Don't forget the rule of 6. Avoid large crowds this weekend."

Anyone not exempt from the rules who organises large gatherings may be fined up to £10,000.

The Hunting Act 2004 is the law which bans chasing wild mammals with dogs in England and Wales - this basically means that fox hunting, deer hunting, hare hunting, hare coursing and mink hunting are ALL ILLEGAL.....SO WHERE ARE THE POLICE!!!

Coronavirus: 'Rule of six' laws make it a criminal offence to 'mingle' with different groups in pubs and public while we are not allowed to see our mum's, dads, grandparents, grandchildren and friends (because of the rule of six), its ok for these sick rich snobs to meet in packs of 130 or more in the name of SPORT!!!!...... Is this one rule for US & ZERO rules for them, yet again!!!!!!

Please sign this petition & lets get these bastards fined for breaking lockdown rules & for breaking the law..... and lets help STOP THE SICK SPORT of STAG & FOX Hunting.

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