Demand to Keep Becky Kerr's Killer In prison "Lincoln Mabry inmate#A158583

Melissa Binius was 8 years old when her mother Becky Kerr was shot and killed in front of her.
Becky Kerr was living in a Domestic Violence shelter when her abusive ex-boyfriend Lincoln Mabry followed her to her babysitter's house. Mabry, who was brandishing a gun, forced Becky and her eight-year-old daughter into Becky's car. Mabry ordered Becky to drive while he continued to threaten her. Becky pulled into a gas station in hopes of saving her and her daughter's life. When Becky exited the car, Mabry shot her. He then got out of the car and continued to shoot Becky, reloading his weapon at one point. After leaving Becky for dead, Mabry threw Becky's daughter out of the car and fled the scene. Becky died at the hospital a short time later. Mabry eventually turned himself in to police and was convicted by a jury of aggravated murder and adduction. Mabry was sentenced to life in prison and now regularly comes up for parole.

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