We demand Justice for G7 and all the animals killed by heart stick euthanasia!
We demand Justice for G7 and all the animals killed by heart stick euthanasia!
We demand that this barbaric method of killing shelter animals STOP!
Imagine being held against your will to have a needle full of phenobarital stabbed into your heart. Imagine having someone who does not have a medical background performing this. The needle needs to be precise in order to administer the dosage of phenobarital to the heart directly in order to kill the animal. You have a shelter worker without medical or veterinarian knowledge basically taking a stab in the dark on an animal who is fearful, stressed and not staying still. Imagine throwing a dart at a dart board and needing to hit the bullesye everytime. The odds of that happening, well you get the picture.
This barbaric and inhumane method of killing dogs and cats is still being performed on shelter animals in the following states, Texas, Tennessee, Louisiana, North Carolina and South Carolina.
G7 was a momma giving birth to her babies. She was held and stabbed with a heart stick. Her last moments were of her licking her babies as she died. The Director of Animal Management & Welfare in Amarillo Texas gave the orders for G7 to be killed while she was giving birth using the heart stick method. After his sadistic actions went public, one of his shelter employees chose to retire with a 28 year pension under his belt. G7 was sentenced to death at his hands.
Help us get "Justice for G7" and all the shelter animals killed by heart stick euthanasia. Help us STOP this method of killing by signing our petition.
Our petition with signatures will be delivered to the following:
Office of the Governor
Attn: Governor Greg Abbott
State Insurance Building
1100 San Jacinto
Austin, TX 78701
Governor Bill Haslam
1st Floor, State Capitol
Nashville, TN 37243
Office of the Governor
Attn: Governor John Bel Edwards
P.O. Box 94004
Baton Rouge, LA
Office of the Governor
Attn: Governor John Nathan Deal
206 Washington Street
Atlanta, GA 30334
North Carolina Officer of the Governor
Attn: Governor Roy Cooper
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-0301
Governor Henry McMaster
2320 East North Street, Suite JJ
Greenville, SC 29607
Thank you Laurie and Justyne
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