Many states and counties have banned Pit Bull type breeds of Dogs. Once enacted often the authorities will come and take your pet to be euthanized. There have been many cases where Pitbulls have been used as service dogs whose owners have had to give them up. Affected families have had to spend thousands of dollars in attorney fees trying get their dogs back. Legislation like this is prejudice toward a breed or type of dog.
It will make no differance if your dog has shown no signs of aggression, if these laws are enacted in your city,county, state or country your dog will be taken away and most likely be euthanized. This legisation is based on fear and ignorance or our lawmakers.
No pet owner should ever have their dog taken away because of what it looks like.
I think all dogs should registered and microchipped and responsibility should be on the owners. Dogs should not run wild or off leash when in public. in the unfortunate event a dangerous dog should get out and harm or kill someonethe blame should be on the owner of that dog. Why Punish a breed or type of Dog because of what it looks like. Not all pitbulls are dangerous.
Perhaps when all dogs are registered, owners of certain breeds could be required to have fenced in yards and have their dogs undergo temperament testing to be proven safe.