Everybody knows McDonalds and most of us are, or have been, customers. Certainly they are a popular and profitable company who strive to keep their customers happy whilst maintaining the highest of standards. They have been extremely responsive to concerns regarding food quality, healthy options and being ethical in sourcing their produce.
There is no denying that McDonalds, in catering to a large customer base, is responsible for the production, then use, of tonnes of paper, cardboard and plastic daily, Yet regardless of eating in store or takeaway, this all goes to landfil or is discarded as litter. Presently, there is no recycling in store nor are there recycling receptacles. In fact, it is impossible to recycle in store!
Most of McDonald's packaging has been modfied over the years to keep pace with environmental concerns. Most carry the recycling symbol. Yet they do not recycle nor do they expect or encourage their customers to through their very obvious failure to provide receptacles.They are not setting the example we would expect of such a market leader. A customer wanting to recycle, must take their packagng off site. It is hypocritical of McDonalds to encourage recyclng when they do not.
McDonalds source materials and produce ethically. They have investigated ways in which they can "Reduce and Re-use" - packaging been redesigned and spent cooking oil is sent to become bio fuel. Yet still no recycling despite being large sponsors and proponents of Earth Hour and the Clean Up movement. Saying this, McDonalds is fully aware they are lacking in this area. To their credit, they have already completed a back of house trial where 60% of wastage was diverted away from landfill.
Yes McDonalds, it is time to add the third component to "Reduce, Re-use then Recycle". Please implement recycling in store and provide recycling receptacles so your customers may also.
I intend to run this petition for a short duration before lodging it with McDonalds head office in Australia.
The photos used are ones I have taken when picking up litter and I include them merely as a reminder of where some of our waste ends up rather than landfill or recycling.