One of the US's Largest Psychiatric Hospital Chains Traps Patients Against Their Will to Maximize Profits

It's the stuff of literal nightmares and horror movies. Imagine seeking help for a mental health crisis, only to find yourself trapped in a psychiatric hospital, held against your will - not for your well-being, but to line the pockets of a for-profit corporation.

This is the terrifying reality for many patients at Acadia Healthcare, one of the largest chains of for-profit psychiatric hospitals in the U.S.

Congress must intervene by prohibiting hospitals and other healthcare facilities from being driven by profits! Healthcare institutes must get their priorities correct and put patients' well-being first. Sign the petition.

Acadia Healthcare has been accused of horrifying practices that betray its responsibility to patient care. According to a recent investigation, Acadia has been luring patients into their facilities and holding them against their will, even when they don't meet the legal standards for hospitalization.

Sometimes in order to be released, family members had to seek court orders from judges or hire private investigators. In another case, in Georgia, a police raid was required in order to help patients there - more than 50 officers gathered to gain access to the facilities.

Inspections have uncovered appalling conditions in Acadia facilities. Patients have faced neglect, unsupervised environments, and even assaults. Many patients have not received the care they need, with reports highlighting rapes, physical assaults on children, injuries and bruisings, filthy conditions, neglect, and inadequate treatment.

Acadia charges up to $2,200 per day for treatment. Employees have reported that the company often exaggerates symptoms, manipulates medication dosages, and fabricates reasons to keep patients longer. This isn't about patient care - it's about maximizing profits and draining insurance companies.

Sadly, situations like this will keep occurring as long as for-profit healthcare remains legal. Sign the petition to demand that Congress finally do the right thing and get corporate profits out of the realm of health. Lawmakers must ban for-profit psychiatric facilities now!
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