Save the pups!

Tobi and Drambuie were near a rabid skunk when their dad was bit, and since they weren’t vaccinated, the state has taken them away for quarantine. The problem is, 4 months of quarantine is $3,000 per pup. That is $6,000 to quarantine 2 puppies under 7 months old in a facility that does not even meet state requirements. And if dad can not afford $6,000, he must put down 2 innocent puppies who may not have even become infected.

However, there is an alternative to this. The puppies could be kept at home in quarantine, meeting all state requirements where they are safe and comfortable. But the dog officer argues because dad is not “qualified” to quarantine the puppies.

Dad (Ron) has many years of experience with dogs, and is more than capable of safely quarantining these puppies.

Dad has built 2 fantastic kennels for the 4 months of quarantine, and the dog officer of Webster, MA is fighting as hard as she can to prevent this from happening, evening knowing the only other option.

Please back Ron up. Giving a pet owner no other realistic option than to euthanize to wonderful puppies because he can not afford their $35 per day is insane.

Update #17 years ago
Thank you all so much for the support. The amount of support we have received is incredible, and with all of your help, we were able to bring the pups home this evening!!!!

Sadly, we have won the battle, but the war has just begun. Dad (Ron) has hired a lawyer, and with the incredible amount of support we have recieved, we are confident everything will work out.

Thank you all again for taking the time to support our puppies! <3 :)
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