Ban Animal Testing In The U.S.
Did you know that the medicine you take such as Aspirin was probably forcibly fed to a rabbit, cat, or a dog? Approximately 17-22 million animals are tested on in the United States each year. These animals are used to test how the safety and effectiveness of products, such as cosmetics. You might have seen animals being tested on social media such as animals being injected with chemicals and being fed things they aren’t supposed to consume. Animal testing should be banned in the United States because it is cruel, unnecessary, inaccurate, and expensive.
To be born inside a lab with no type of freedom whatsoever is worse than having no life. They don’t have the ability to stop the pain or torment simply because they are just animals. Government funded animal testing costs U.S. taxpayers over $16 billion dollars annually. Animals aren’t humans, so obviously testing on them isn’t accurate. 90% of studies that pass the animal testing stage and move on to human testing fail.
You can help eliminate the problem by simply buying cruelty-free products, which are products that are not tested on animals. Another way you can help is by donating your body to science so scientists can research on humans, not animals. Obviously human testing is more accurate because we’re not so different from each other. You can also adopt or foster lab animals because they need love and affection due to the traumatic events that they experienced in labs. Your decision could mean either the benefit of thousands of animals, or the continuation of pointless suffering. Please, help support a worthy cause. Stop animal experimentation in the U.S.
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