Sanctuary... It has many different meanings. To us it means NO more forced breeding ~ NO more starving ~ NO more abuse ~ NO more cold nights ~ NO more being fed to snakes. Sanctuary is absolutely the word to describe our place that helps guinea pigs live a life of love, even if it's only for a few months.
Alex started this sanctuary when he was 12 years old. Even though he's a burn patient who struggles with multiple surgeries and procedures, he still has a heart of gold. He just wants the piggies to have a safe place to go while they wait for forever homes.
The town of Hampton has hinted that they are not going to allow a variance so that Alex can keep his sanctuary in his home. We have tried to find other places to move the sanctuary to, but no one will allow us to have a 'rodent rescue' at any of the available locations. We are just trying to get the town to reconsider.
Currently we are waiting for the non-profit paperwork to come back. In the meantime, the town and state have shut us down. We are not allowed to adopt, rescue or even foster at this point under their RSA rules ~ which by the way, do not even mention guinea pigs. The problem is that many surrenders are still coming in because there's nowhere else for the piggies to go.
We get piggies from all over New England. Some drive hours just to bring their piggies to the sanctuary. All of our piggies are well cared for. We also teach piggy classes so that others can learn how to properly care for their piggies. Without our sanctuary, piggies will continue to suffer as there are no other rescues dedicated to guinea pigs in New England.
Please sign this petition to allow Alex to continue to operate his guinea pig sanctuary.
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