A company, loosely affiliated with Enron by it's board of directors, named Nevada Hydro (also Control Technology, Inc and LEAPSHydro) is trying to gain approval from various government agencies like FERC and the State of California - to install a two way water pump system from the lake of Lake Elsinore to a yet-to-be-created reservoir in Decker Canyon (southeast of the Ortega Waterfalls).
The project would bore a pipe below ground through the pristine mountainous face seen from Interstate 15, Lake Elsinore, Lakeland Village and the Ortega Highway. this pipe would push water up the Santa Ana Mountain during low price energy times - and then let it drop back down through Lakeland Village, CA during peak price energy times.
The land that they wish to use are sacred to three different Native American tribes including Pechanga and Soboba.
The project would also call for eminent domain to be enacted - taking away about 500 homes from families to provide an out-dated technology for "green energy". The energy collected for this "pumped storage" system would be minimal and be sold to San Diego, rather than for the residents of Lake Elsinore, Lakeland Village, Wildomar and surrounding.
This project would also install 100' to 163' high voltage line towers - further destroying the forest land - and adding to not just wildlife stability, but adding an increase risk of fire danger and fire safety. Historically we have had several major wildfires - including one that was the most deadly wildfire in CA history until the Camp Fire in Paradise, CA not even a year ago.
Update #25 years ago
Hooray! This petition is now being hosted at https://www.nvhydro.com making it easier than ever to simply share nvhydro.com
The site includes information on the destruction potential, investigations and research previously conducted. This is a "live" website.
Today we are 1 step closer to blocking Nevada Hydro from destroying the Cleveland National Forest and all the beautiful natural attraction that test around our already fire threatens.
Keep sharing...keep pushing!
Update #15 years ago
We made it to 100 signers in just a few hours.
We have a long way to go to get to our ultimate goal of 500,000 signers.
The first goal is 1,000 signatures....share and share some more! Send it to friends, family and coworkers to get the word out and let the State of California know:
No to Hydro....No to Nevada Hydro!