• by: Tina B
  • recipient: Everyone that has a heart

* Giving away an animal for free on Craigslist could potentially put that poor helpless creature in harms way. There are still many in this world that are unaware of the evils in this world - from dog fighters using animals as bait, to feeding snakes, to just plain evil doers torturing animals for fun. I would like to see something done about this, wouldn't you? Please sign this petition and be a voice for these poor helpless animals that cannot speak for themselves.

* Craigslist could easily have a pop up window appear, when someone goes to post a Free Pet ad, that educates them on the horrors of this world and provides them education and alternatives - whether it's charging a small finders fee to thwart off evil doers, taking breed specific dog or cat to a rescue group, or even explaining that humanely having the animal put to sleep would be better than it being put in harms way - putting it at risk of being tortured. I'm sure there are other ideas that can be examined and posted as well.

* Something has to be done about this. I dont want it to be banned completely because then people may feel backed into a corner, without any education, they may drop the animal in the woods somewhere (the people with no heart). Another thought is that CL could adopt a specific animal department in each state where the owner has to call first before they can post the free pet add (a pop up window would appear) - they would receive a pop up box with phone number - this department would educate the owner and direct them to a better alternative.

* Another idea is that CL could direct the owner to a forum that they (CL) have created that allows these pet owners to chat with vet techs, rescuers, etc. The owner would first receive a pop up box that would educate them and then direct them to this forum for further guidance. Craigslist has to take responsibility for this. They have created this avenue for people to quickly rid themselves of their pet (like a piece of furniture) without even checking the credentials of the person(s) that is doing the adopting or even going to their place of residence to check it out.

* These are living creatures that experience pain and sadness and this has to stop!

* Craigslist does have a community section where owners and breeders are allowed to sell animals, but this does nothing to resolve the issue I'm posting about here. Please sign this petition and demand that Craigslist take ownership of this problem to help stop the needless act of putting animals in harms way by giving them away for free on Craigslist to complete strangers.

* I know that many pets find forever homes on Craigslist. I, myself, have adopted 2 Chiweenies on CL. I am thankful for the people out there that have good hearts. Peace and Love to all of you!

(I have read a couple of recent comments chastising me for rescuing these two dogs from Craigslist.  I do not see it as condoning or not condoning this practice.  I see it as saving these two living breathing creatures from possible harms way.   We need to save animals as often as we can from where ever they are coming from and not chastise others that are doing there best to help. If I had purchased the two of them from a puppy mill store then that would be a different story.  Turning a blind eye does not help.  And again, as I noted above, if you just make it impossible for people by backing them into a corner by taking away this option completely, then you are only putting animals in even more danger. We must look at the big picture. Instead of throwing out the baby with the bathwater, we must dry the baby off and let the baby grow up and teach the baby the right way to do things. Please spread love not hate.)

Craigslist does post two brief messages from PETA and AALAS under Community > Pets, which describe their perspectives on this serious problem.  Craigslist refers to it as a "controversial subject" but I think it's a bit more serious than that.  PETA states, after a detailed description of the potential horrors, that "Craigslist could do its readers and the animals a great service, while setting a very progressive example, by posting a brief warning at the top of the pets section about giving animals away for free. To supplement the warning people could be informed that they can contact us for more information about placing animals and screening potential adopters."

Thank you PETA for doing what you do every day!  I cannot even imagine what this world would be like if it were not for PETA and other animal loving orgs out there that rescue animals and educate people every day!

Unfortunately, it does not seem Craigslist took their message very seriously and this tiny link that Craigslist put at the entry to the Pets section is not stopping people from posting irresponsible Free Pet ads under Pets or under the Free section.  People are not even clicking on this link, which is why we need to go further now.

*  This is a 2/27 update:  One of my recent signees reminded me that we all can do our part by contacting people that put Free Pet Ads up on Craigslist.  We can email them or call them with information on better ways to safely get their pet into a new home.  I know that many are already doing this and if we all could do this (at least until Craigslist decides to take ownership of this problem), it might actually save a good number of these poor, voiceless animals. Please remember to be kind in the words you choose.  We never know exactly what is going on in someone else's life. We love animals, but we love each other as well!  

* Please forward this petition to as many people as you know! We need 1000 signatures!  Please help! Thank you!  

Update #36 years ago
Good Morning! I hope this message finds you doing well! Unfortunately, the momentum for this petition has slowed down. Currently, we are only at 248 signatures and, of course, we still need many more. Thank you so much for your support on this topic! It touches my heart seeing all the heartfelt comments that have been shared. We could easily reach twice this number if each of you could please have just one more person sign. Just one more person. Thank you again and have a beautiful day!
Update #27 years ago
Hi everyone!
I wanted to thank you again for your support and to let you know we have now reached 240 signatures! Not too bad for only 2 months time. I would like to kindly ask each of you to please forward this petition to others that you know, if you have not already done so. It would mean so much. It would truly make a huge difference! Thank you and have a great day! - Tina B
Update #17 years ago
Hi everyone! Just hit 207 signatures today! Thank you all so very much for your support and for your beautiful hearts!
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