The "History" Channel has once again produced a show that glorifies violence, animal, and environmental abuse.
This time they are set to premiere a new show called "The Butcher". In the format of the show "Forged in Fire", the show will feature four contestants who will compete to see who is better at dismembering and cutting up dead animals.
It is unclear what connection to "history" this has, and what redeeming or educational value this would have. In fact, it would seem the only appeal this show will have is for those who like gore, blood, and seeing dismembered dead animals.
We hereby petition the History Channel to cancel this atrocity of a show – since it has zero historical or educational value, and would serve only to glorify violence towards animals.
Update #15 years ago
To all who signed the petition to cancel History Channel's "The Butcher", THANK YOU! The number of signatures exceeded over 50,000!
I've sent the PDF file with signatures and petition to the History Channel. There is no guarantee they will cancel this show, but at the very least, we have all gone on record to say that we oppose this mindless glorification of animal abuse, and maybe this will influence future programming. Will keep you all posted!
Thank you,
Paul James
Charlotte, NC, US