Demand Justice for the Massacred Animals of the Wiggins Farm
- by: Amil J
- recipient: Woodruff County Sheriff’s Department
In the dark of night, some sicko snuck on to the Wiggins' farm and slaughtered all their animals.
The Mr. Wiggins and his daughter have been caring for farm animals for nearly ten years. They treat them like part of the family and even bring them into the house when they are sick. But their love for their animals couldn't protect them from a violent death. One morning this week, when they went to check on their animals, they found nearly all of them slain. Goats, alpaca and a baby cow all fell victim to a heinous crime.
During a TV interview Mr. Wiggins daughter could barely hold back her tears.
The Sheriff's Department is calling it a "massacre". But it is more than that, it is a tragedy and the sign that there is a sick, and cruel person out on the loose in Woodruff County that must be caught and brought to justice.
Officials are offering a $500 dollar reward to help find and prosecute the perpetrator or perpetrators of this ridiculous act of cruelty. And the community has shown the Wiggins family support as well.
Sign the petition and tell the Woodruff County Sheriff's Department you support their search for these criminals. Let's make sure they keep up the search for those responsible and tell them you want them brought to justice and punished to the full force of the law.
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