Bring Animal Control Back to Mason County Washington

  • by: Mellanie M.
  • recipient: Kevin Shutty, Terri Drexler and Randy Neatherlin, Mason County Commissioners, Washington

Mason County Washington has cancelled all County Animal Control services. We desperately need an Animal Control officer.

Mason County is overrun with many animal abuse cases, animals being abandoned to fend for themselves, and lost and found animals. We need resources to help animals in these sad situations.

Volunteers are stepping up and spending countless hours to try to make up the slack, but unfortunately they do not have the law or enough resources behind them.

We need your support to show the Mason County Commisioners that we desperately need Animal Control back! Please sign and share to help this campaign.

If you would like more information on the need and to see why we fight, check out lost and found pets of Mason County Washington FB page.

Thank you!

Update #26 years ago
Our City commissioners have heard our pleas. We are taking the steps to get a contract with the County to become a privately contracted animal control!! We have our Non profit organization and we are raising funds for our 501c3. We are raising money, getting volunteers and taking the needed steps to make this happen. Thank you Again for your continued support.
Update #17 years ago
Thank you for your support in helping us bring back Animal Control to Mason County. We have huge updates but I'm only given 500 words. So, I figured the be at way would be to share our FB page and our YouCaring account. Please do not feel obligated to Donate or Join our page but, we would love to have you and keep you updated.
Mellanie Mcpheeters

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