Some acts of cruelty are unspeakable, and this is one of them.
Add your name if you want to punish wicked people who abuse animals for their own entertainment!
"Deputies in Teller County are looking for a man accused of beating and dismembering two dogs.
"Teller County Animal Control Officers says the suspect is 30-year-old Matthew Stephen Dieringer from Pueblo.
"Detectives say he is accused of killing two of his roommate's dogs and facing felony animal abuse charges.
"Investigators say Dieringer allegedly beat to death his roommate's brown 7-year-old Australian Cattle Dog "Suka." He's also accused of killing and dismembering the victim's black dog "Hayoka."
"A necropsy confirmed that Suka died of blunt force trauma," reported KRDO.
All those poor little dogs wanted was love.
But all they got was torture, and an agonizing death.
What kind of human being could do this to two living creatures?
This degree of cruelty must be severely punished.
Senator Bernie Sanders has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty.
That's why we're asking him to lead a movement in Congress that would punish people like Matthew Stephen Dieringer.
Don't you want to protect defenseless animals from abusers like him?
Then add your name to ask Bernie Sanders to take charge of this issue and impose strict animal abusers, once and for all!