Demand that the UK Tory Party revoke their 'animals cannot feel pain' vote
The Tory Government has voted that animals (apart from humans) cannot feel pain or emotion. It is a known scientific fact that animals can feel physical pain. They have nerve endings, anything with a nerve ending can feel pain. How can you vote against a fact like this? Animals have also proven, time and time again, that they are capable of feeling emotions such as love, empathy, loyalty and fear. There have also been hundreds, if not thousands of articles written on this matter by expert scientists over the last several decades and the consensus is that animals can indeed feel physical pain and emotions.
Despite this, the government has decided to scrap the EU legislation that sees non human animals as sentient beings and once Britain exits the European Union in 2019, the only animals with any sort of animal rights protection will be pets. The hundreds of thousands of animals in farms, research labs and other forms in captivity will not have any legislation put in place to protect them from unnecessary harm and suffering We will no doubt see a decline in terms of level animal care from institutes whose animal welfare practices are already in question. The fact that the UK government, in this day and age, can pass such a cruel, ignorant bill astounds me. I believed that we had left this backwards way of thinking behind us years ago. Sadly not.
We are demanding that the UK government revokes this decision and puts in place a new bill that offers protection to all animals in the UK and that they strive to uphold animal welfare in the UK.
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