Demand Decrease in Pollution Rates!
Last year the U.S. emitted 5.9 billion tons of carbon dioxide. That’s a lot of pollution to just have hanging around in our atmosphere. Pollution effects our health, our surroundings, our food and water supply and much more. Our planet is exteremely sick and we’re at fault for it. Our government officials should take the first step towards a healthier planet by placing Daan Roosegaarde’s product, the smog free tower, in heavily polluted cities around the U.S. The smog tower vacuums yo harmful smog from the air and turns it into clean air, using it eco friendly technology. The tower uses no more electricity than a water boiler (1700 Watts), so it is not polluting more than it is cleaning. You can help take some of the first steps towards a cleaner, healthier planet by signing this petition. The choice is yours.
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