Fireworks are dangerous, to humans and to pets. Every year on Guy Fawkes and diwali thousands of animals get lost, run away, become injured and are afraid. The loud Noises hurt their ears and scare them. Many animals become so distressed at the level of noise that they attempt to escape to a place of safety. These escape tactics can lead animals to scale high perimeter walls, get stuck in fences or storm-water drains, become victims of motor vehicle accidents, and end up wandering the streets for weeks, lost away from home. There is no little or no control over the sale of fireworks - children can buy them from the corner shop even though you have to be 16 years of age to purchase them, this is often ignored and overlooked. People, particularly children get burnt and injured as they are hazardous and dangerous to be handled. Often they start fires too. With wildfires out of control in the western cape coupled With a water shortage this is something we can ill afford. This outdated practice needs to stop! Help me ban the import and sale of fire works in South Africa!