Muhtar Kent, chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company is on record saying gender equity is important to him and to Coca-Cola... so why is Coca-Cola giving over $40,000 dollars to extremist anti-choice Republicans attacking women?
Sign on if you want to see Coca-Cola pull all donations to anti-choice politicians attacking women in five states!
Coca-Cola is headquarterd in Georgia, they should want their employees to have access to safe and affordable health care, including abortion. Not only is it the right and constitutional thing to support, it's good business. If their employees get to choose when to become parents, they are much more steady employees.
The CEO of Coca-Cola said the following: 'Over and over, studies have found a direct correlation between women's empowerment and GDP growth, business growth, environmental sustainability, improved human health, and other positive impacts. And this is no surprise, given that women invest 90 percent of their earnings in their families and communities.'
So why would a company like Coca Cola continue to fund the economic disempowerment of women and extremist politicians like Alabama Governor Kay Ivey – who just signed one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the country.
Women are empowered when they have access to comprehensive sex ed, free birth control, and abortion. Those are three things these politicians are constantly trying to take away.
This is such a coorporate thing to do: say one thing in the media to get positive social clout and then actually do another with their money. But we are smarter than that! This petition is to call out this false posturing and ask them to actually do what they say they think is important: support gender equity.
So many corporations are being silent about all of the abortion bans. It's almost like they speak out for women just when it's convenient for them.
Well, no more. It's time that we, their consumers, demand they speak out for women now! Sign to demand Coca-Cola to pull their funding of all extremist politicians supporting attacks on women's rights!