We the People call upon the United States Government to immediately enact laws for the protection, welfare and rights of all factory farmed animals and demand the USDA enforce the Humane Slaughter Act.
It is outrageously unacceptable that factory farmed animals are not protected under 1 federal animal law resulting in severe inhumane treatment, unspeakable cruelty and unimaginable suffering of these animals both physically and psychologically. This lack of regulation has enabled factory farmed animals to be the most abused animals there are in this nation.
In our modern and civilized society, animals are recognized as living, sentient beings whom deserve our consideration and respect. Although vegans and meat eaters may disagree as to whom shall be friend or food, the one thing everyone can undoubtedly agree on, is that no animal should be abused. Just because opinions dictate who shall be safe (pets) and who shall be slaughtered (food), does not mean that these "food" animals are any different, less entitled or less sentient then the ones who sleep at the foot of our bed.
Humanity is the quality of being human or humane. Mankind having feelings and dispositions of compassion, sympathy, mercy, care and kindness amongst both people and animals.
How can we call ourselves human, humane, living amongst all of humanity while we kick, punch, throw, slam, beat, shock and mutilate factory farmed animals?
Is it through kindness that we trap and confine an animal into a cage/crate/shed so small they cannot so much as move their entire life? Laying in darkness and their own feces never to feel the sun on their backs?
Is it through compassion that we inseminate these animals over and over again to produce while we tear their newborns away as they wail in severe distress?
Perhaps it's through mercy, after we've taken all they have got to give, as their legs tremble and buckle from years of abuse, that we drag, beat and prod these animals to get up and walk to their slaughter?
Tell me, where in the definition of humanity does this speak when it, in fact, goes against everything mankind claims to be?
The Humane Slaughter Act is the only supposed privilege factory farmed animals receive of which, in itself, is rarely enforced and shockingly excludes birds whom make up 99% of factory farmed animals raised. Cows hung by their feet thrashing around wailing in pain as their throats are slit. Pigs submerged into boiling tanks of water screaming in unfathomable agony. Chickens dunked in an ineffective electrical bath then have their throats slit. Understand, it is not the problem of the American people that this industry has untrained employees, wants to speed up the killing process or falls short on inspector staff. It is however the responsibility of the USDA to enforce this Act and the American people inexcusibly expect this department to fulfill its duty that we pay them to do. Period.
While factory farming strives to maximize output while minimizing costs and always at the animals expense, it's no wonder they stand behind such unconstitutional bills (bribery bills) such as the Ag Gag. One of the most abominable laws ever forced against the will of the majority of the public whom favor the humane treatment of farmed animals through every step of their lives.
Dominion over animals does not mean torture, slaughter and abuse at will. It means that we are given the responsibility to care for and protect the well-being of all His livings beings.
The United States government is a government for the people, by the people and we the people expect the following immediate actions to take place:
1. The USDA to regulate and strictly enforce the Humane Slaughter Act and to include all birds
2. Anti-animal cruelty laws and animal welfare laws established for all factory farmed animals
3. Cameras installed and monitored daily in every factory farmed facility and slaughterhouse
4. The 5 freedoms for all factory farmed animals:
1. Freedom from hunger and thirst
2. Freedom from discomfort
3. Freedom from pain, injury or disease
4. Freedom to express normal behavior
5. Freedom from fear and distress
We look forward to hearing from you and your plan on getting this done.
Thank you,
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