SMALL STRIDES GUYS! MTV OFFICIALLY HAS DECIDED TO STOP FILMING WITH JENELLE! But we still need your help pushing forward legal consequences for the savage murder of Nugget. is offering a cash reward for the location of Nugget's body. Any information regarding that should be reported to them so David be charged appropriately.
Nugget was killed in Columbus County, NC. This is the number for their local animal control. (910) 641-3945 Please keep calling and demand they further investigate the murder of Nugget!
Will you sign the petition to ask proper authorities to follow suit and press charges against David Eason? And for MTV to pull Jenelle Evans family from air?
We've all watched the constant abuse on the show for some time now, and unfortunately as a result an innocent animal has lost its life. David Eason, husband of MTVs Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans, has reportedly killed Jenelle's dog Nugget. The poor small breed dog was pummeled over and over again by David and then taken into a remote area of the woods and shot. This was over the dog "biting" at the couples daughter. Local authorities responded to the incident location but felt threatened by David and another pit-bull on the property so they weren't able to do a full investigation. I personally have questioned MTV has continued on Jenelle's story line that's filled with nothing but violence and drama... but this is TOO FAR! We can not promote violence in any aspect, we can't condone killing. We need to call for MTV to take Jenelle and her sociopathic husband off air immediately. But more importantly we need to call for legal ramifications to be brought to David! He MUST FACE CHARGES. There is NO justification for killing any animal.
This is the number for Viacom, the company that owns MTV. This is where we need to demand that David and Jenelle be fired and removed from MTV. 1-212-258-6000
Here is also the address for Viacom.
Viacom Inc.
1515 Broadway New York, NY 10036
You can sign this petition as a small start but you can always report this incident to PETA. Every person counts! You can make all the difference. 757-622-7382