Help This Endangered Orangutan Resist The Destruction Of His Forest Home!
This little guy was so desperate to stop his home from being destroyed that he tried to resist a mechanical excavator with his bare hands. Add your name if you want to protect his forest from development, once and for all!
"As an excavator crashed down on a pile of cut trees, a desperate orangutan leaped down a large trunk, trying to stop the machine with his hands.
"He tried clinging onto the cold metal but slipped and fell into the stack of trees which used to be his home once. The rain poured down as, shaking, he struggled to climb back up again.
"The whole forest around him had been destroyed.
"The heartbreaking scene was captured on camera in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, as a construction crew demolished a section of the Sungai Putri Forest, a habitat of critically endangered Bornean orangutans," reported this source.
"Bornean orangutan populations have declined by more than 50% over the past 60 years, and the species' habitat has been reduced by at least 55% over the past 20 years," according to the World Wildlife Fund.
If humans keep destroying the forests of Borneo, orangutans like the defenseless creature described above will have no place to live.
They will disappear from the world forever.
That's why we're asking the Indonesian government to protect orangutan forests from development, once and for all.
Don't you want to help the poor endangered orangutan who bravely faced off against an enormous machine in a last-ditch effort to save his home?
Then add your name to ask Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Indonesian Minister of Environment and Forestry, to introduce legislation that would prohibit any further development in the precious remaining forests where orangutans live!
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