Lets Demand New York State to be a LEGAL state for wolfdogs
We need to take stand for these amazing sweet animals.
So many are put down just for the simple word "wolf".
While Animal controls can't properly identify if a dog has wolf or not it's getting many killed.
They can't use DNA test due to the cost. This isn't right nor is it ok to discrimate based on a breed. These animals are known to be sweet and loving.
This petition is for them to make the state legal to own wolfdogs until they can give their professions more education on to how to properly identify a wolfdog.
Here is a story that helps prove my statement
A lot of these animals that are put down are not vicious.
A friend of mines wolfdog was taken away by animal control because a neighbor claimed he had wild animals on his property(one LOW content wolfdog in a secure fenced in yard i might add, minding his own business.). He was in a good home with someone who adored him. Unfortunately he was able to get out and taken in by animal control.
Lucky she was able to contact Howling Woods farm in New Jersey and they allowed the sanctuary to take the animal in. Not every story ends up like that.
What was once someone's best friend is now in a sanctuary simply because of being a wolf mix.
We must fight the good fight for them. These are animals that deserve a chance.
About 75% of all wolfdog claims are false and that most bite incidents that come from claimed wolfdogs are not really wolfdogs at all.
Here is anther good link.
Please sign and fight with me!
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