Demand an end to fox hunting
I want the government to ban hunting for good.Today we witnessed the most horrific accident outside our property.The hunt had ended and always they were chasing a fox but would deny they were.Packed all the horses up and made sure that all the huntsmen were happy and safe then they decided to celebrate and leave leaving us a family with two young children to witness one of their loose hounds run into the middle of the A19 and be brutally hit by an oncoming car.The driver and ourselves were in major shock and the hound sadly didn’t survive.We sat at the side of the road with this beautiful hound waiting for the police to arrive but unfortunately by the time they arrived the hound had died.At this point the guy from the hound kennels turned up showing no remorse whatsoever and no respect for the people who had to deal with the dreadful incident.These hunts are a disgrace.There is no point in them apart from the disgusting satisfaction the idiots involved get from running round the country chasing harmless animals and causing mayhem
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