Help End the Antiquated, Bloody 'Sport' of Greyhound Racing in England and Scotland!

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Governments of England and Scotland
Though the level of cruelty varies, in every situation where an animal's worth is tied up with profit, exploitation and abuse can be found. We see it in commercial dog breeding, horse racing, dogfighting, and of course, greyhound racing.

The sport is so ugly and cruel that lawmakers have banned it in 42 out of the 50 United States.

And now, in a huge victory for these innocent dogs, Wales has just announced plans to ban greyhound racing forever!
This will save countless greyhounds from lives of immense suffering. But Wales is the only country within the United Kingdom to take this step, meaning England and Scotland will still allow the disgraceful sport to carry on.

This is unacceptable. Sign the petition and demand that lawmakers in both England and Scotland move to end the antiquated, bloody sport of greyhound racing!

Bred to be fast, greyhound puppies that are born and judged to be losers are killed or sold off into often terrible circumstances. Dogs that make the cut are sometimes kenneled for 23 hours a day, only let out when they are forced to run for their human captors' gain.

Muzzles are used as "long term solutions" -- as opposed to thoughtful, supervised training tools -- so that greyhounds can be kept in close proximity, sometimes two dogs to a tiny cage, with no regard to the mental or emotional turmoil this causes. After all, they need to live uninjured long enough to make lots of people lots of money. But after they can't rake in the profits, they are disposed of -- it is not uncommon for a greyhound with a minor injury to be euthanised, or a "retired" greyhound to simply disappear.

Now Wales has made the bold, merciful decision to stamp out this industry driven by cruelty and greed, we must keep up the momentum.

There are still 19 tracks that operate across England and one in Scotland. There has been an ongoing trend of track closures and public opinion shifting to the side of animal welfare, which means now is the time to put on the pressure. If we raise our voices together, we can let lawmakers in England and Scotland know that the world is watching, so they must do the right thing for neglected, exploited greyhounds.

Add your name and join the fight for a more compassionate, safe world for greyhounds! Sign the ban greyhound racing in England and Scotland!
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