Demand Preacher Keith Butler to step down" Killing Wild African Animals with God's Money !
Preacher- Keith Butler of Word of Faith Churches, Preaches to his congregations about giving lots of money to his church, yet he lives in a 1.3 million dollar home and also owns 20 other properties and ( He Paid Cash for all). He goes on many african safari's killing many animals that are mounted on his walls and boasts about it ! All done with the money taken from those who attend Word of Faith Church. He preaches prosperity while brow beating his followers into giving lots of money! While preaching Heresy a sin against the word of God. They claim to fund ministries around the world, yet won't allow christian groups look at their financial statements, like Ministry Watch to assure the money is truly given to the ministry outreach groups they claim to fund ! Shut Down " the self absorbed , prideful preacher from robbing Christians and Killing Innocent Animals !!!
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