It makes no sense in a modern, educated era when we know of farm animals' sentience, that Veterinarians are still supporting animal cruelty, torture and death via Animal Agriculture Industries and practices... but in fact the USDA partners with veterinarians.
The conflicts of interest are clear:
1) There are practices condoned by the veterinary community: Chemical castration, de-beaking, de-horning, breeding and taking babies away from mothers, and of course, slaughtering - and much more that are incredibly painful and torturous for the animals, but these practices are done with the full blessing of the veterinary establishment.
2) As rescuers of animals, there are treatments that we in the rescue community must have access to, to be able to help our rescued residents heal - but are considered forbidden to farm animals who are considered "food." Imagine the pain of taking your beloved chicken, cow or pig to the vet, only to be told they cannot access a known cure or pain remediation, because they are thought of as nothing more than dead meat?
3) Human doctors do not eat their human patients nor endorse it. There is something called the Hippocratic Oath which states in essence that the doctors tasked with making humans well do nothing to harm them. Why is it not the same for those tasked with making non-humans healthy?
We the undersigned call upon veterinarians worldwide and especially here in the US, the American Veterinary Medical Association, Cornell University and others to denounce the cruelty, suffering and torture of all non-human animals by Animal Agriculture entities, and that they support a VEGAN, PLANT-BASED diet and lifestyle that seeks to be as cruelty-free as possible.
Petition supporters:
The Institute for Animal Happiness (a chicken rescue)
New York Farm Animal Save