Dear Governor,
We are living in very difficult times. Difficult and tricky. The world is ravaged by poverty, violence and the destruction of earth's resources. A handful of people realize that they need to act against injustice, while most of our race is concerned solely about the basics of Maslow's pyramid, with no time or desire to look upwards.
This handful of people are trying, from all over the world and among other things, to change the way animals are treated. We who love cats and dogs, and have them in our household, are very concerned about legal and illegal practices exerted by shelters in America.
You may never would have known about him, if it weren't for this letter. He had a name (PIRATE) and an ID (#A5365434). Pirate was a 5-year old Pitbull who was surrendered to Downey Shelter on 5/8 because his owners moved. This is the first fallacy in this corrupt system. Moving on, and after shelter assessments (by certified behaviorists?) he was required t be the only dog in an adult-only home. He was adopted by a woman who lost her Pitbull at the beginning of the year. On 6/6 he was returned to the shelter (second fallacy) due to a suspected bite incident (? - how can this be suspected? either there are wound or not- third fallacy) and rescues and volunteers had been tirelessly networking to save his life. And although a rescue partner and a trained was secured the shelter put him down on 6/17 (I won't even call this fallacy; I will call this murder).
We are now looking at a shelter who is not only kill but also high-kill (how many fallacies in this?), and which has been at the spotlight of practices of animal abuse many times. The conditions where animals reside are abominable, they starve, they die, they are left to rot, injured animals are beat, etc. Videos and photos of this are all over the internet. Yet, people are still GETTING PAID BY THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER to abuse and kill innocent animals. They didn't ask to be bred, nor to be sold, let alone to be used in dog-fights, be abandoned, abused and killed.
I call all animal lawyers, all people concerned about what is good and right, legal AND moral, to raise their voice against the Nazi practices in concentration camps like Carson and Downey. They need to be made as no-kill shelters, and spay/neuter be mandated to lessen the animal population. These city run centers for animals are inhumane and callus in how they handle and who they choose can live or die. There is no medical to help the injured animals to give them a chance to be adopted. More state money needs to be put into this situation as we are running out of volunteers to handle all the cases that pop up yearly. Citizens are paying out of their own pockets to deal with the over populated animals in this state and you don't lift a finger to get better funding and re-establish these facilities as no-kill shelters, giving them the ability to actually save them instead of killing them all. Do the RIGHT THING and end kill shelters, provide more money to them city ran animal facilities and mandate spay/neuter at reasonable costs through vets so ALL can afford to do so. Spay/neuter be mandated in the state to lessen unwanted breeding. To mandate that vets provide a low income solutions to low income families. And to make all city ran centers no-kill by providing them with more funds. That all shelters ran by the city have an established vet on staff at all times to aid in the injured animals to give them a second chance to a better life. For every city ran shelter have professional animal behavioralist on staff to do proper evaluations and a board non-partial to the shelter (i.e. the community) have unanimous votes on the euthinization of every single animal.
I hope you, Sir, will do the right thing in order to end this disgrace
A concerned citizen
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