New York City Must Finally End The Cruel Horse Drawn Carriage Industry

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: NYC Council Speaker Adrienne Adams

In the sweltering summer heat of New York City, the tragic and outdated practice of horse drawn carriages continues to threaten the well-being of innocent horses. A new bill could finally change that. Named in memory of Ryder, a horse who tragically collapsed and died in 2022, Ryder's Law proposes an urgent end to horse carriages in NYC.

Sign the petition to demand Council Speaker Adrienne Adams pass Ryder's Law and ensure no more horses suffer as Ryder did!

This bill aims to dismantle a cruel industry by protecting horses from ending up in slaughterhouses and helping carriage drivers transition to humane, sustainable jobs. Ryder's tragic death after collapsing on hot pavement from exhaustion is a stark reminder of the urgency of this issue.

The harrowing conditions these horses endure are heart-wrenching. There is even footage exposing the conditions these horses live in when not working in the brutal heat, and it's not pretty. One video recorded emaciated horses confined in cramped, dirty stalls without adequate care. 

Sign the petition to help propel forward a movement to not only end this cruelty for good, but also support the economic transition for carriage drivers!

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