Hello 👋,
The coronavirus has panicked the world, infecting and killing thousands. This awful virus is believed to have started at a wildlife "wet" market in Wuhan, China. At this market, many, many animals of possibly 100 species, including bats, wolf pups, civet cats, snakes, foxes, peacocks and rats, were all being sold as "food". They were likely either torturing the animals when killing them, or going to do so. This cruelty and stupidity has brought the coronavirus upon the world, infecting many uninvolved people both in Asia and in most of the rest of the world...
This is all so wrong, so dangerous and cruel. It is terrible for the animals, terrible for conservation (some animals involved, such as pangolins, are endangered), terrible for human mental and physical health, terrible for businesses, jobs and livelihoods, terrible for education and terrible for everyday life and enjoyment.
China has temporarily banned the wildlife markets, but this isn't enough. For the sake of humans and animals and conservation, we need these horrible markets banned completely and permanently!!!!
The dog and cat meat trades are also incredibly cruel. It is probably wrongly believed that the more the poor dogs suffer the better the meat will taste, and so these poor animals are tortured to death. They are strangled, electrocuted, blowtorched, boiled alive and skinned alive for their skins and meat. Cats and dogs are also crammed into cages very tightly and loaded up with loads of others to be taken to be sold and slaughtered very, very, very cruelly for their meat. This all needs to stop as well!!!! This is psychopathic and extremely, extremely cruel and wrong!!!! Before you say or think that I'm just another meat-eating westerner who just loves dogs and cats, I don't eat meat. Also, any opposition to any kind of unnecessary violence to any sentient beings is an excellent and important thing, whether it be opposing cruelty to cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, ducks, turkeys, dogs, cats, mice, rats, horses, chimpanzees, hippos, wolves, wild dogs, foxes, honey badgers, raccoons or any other nonhumans or humans. Many, many, many people, including some Chinese people and other Asians, including vegetarians, vegans, pesecetarians, flexitarians and those who eat meat are very, very opposed to the torture and killing of cats and dogs for meat. Please, please, please, PLEASE listen to the people of China and the world and place animals, conservation and human safety and human lives above the cultural and traditional practices of torturing, killing and eating poor, poor animals.
Thank you 😊.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!