Hunting is wrong on ethical and moral levels. As someone who is an advocate of compassionate conservation, I can tell you so many reasons why I fundamentally believe hunting is wrong. Hunting causes unnecessary pain and suffering, and 50 percent of animals shot with a rifle are not killed immediately, but die slow and painful deaths. Hunting can cause deer and car collisions to be dramatically worse, by driving deer closer to highways due to the fear of the deer being hunted. Hunting is also a large threat to even public safety. Hunting accidents kill 100 Americans every year, and injure unintended targets, like horses, dogs and cats. Also, hunting can cause people to become more violent. One boy who was taken on a hunting trip, opened up fire in his school, and killed both of his parents. Those people who have become pathological killers often have a history of being cruel and abusive to animals, including those who have a history in hunting animals. Finally, hunters do not regulate the deer population. The deer population will regulate itself, through factors such as starvation and disease, but hunters only weaken the deer population by killing the largest bucks with the largest antlers. One more additional myth about hunting needs to be addressed. Wildlife agencies in the United States believe hunting helps protect creatures. That is not true in the slightest. It is impossible to increase populations of wild animals by killing them, which doesn't even make sense to begin with. Also, hunting money only benefits hunting organizations, not the animals or habitats they destroy.