On May 10, 2018, Richard Haven, Director of Amarillo Animal Management & Welfare, and Stacy Smith, Assistant Director of Amarillo Animal Management & Welfare, euthanized a pregnant pit bull while she was still in labor giving birth to her puppies. The puppies were also euthanized.
This was reported by Dacia Anderson, who was a volunteer at the Amarillo Panhandle Humane Society at the time. She has been asked to discontinue her work at the center. Dacia reported that a pit bull known as G7 spent the last moments of her life as she was dying still trying to clean her newly birthed pups.
G7 was an owner surrender and considered dangerous and a threat to the population, according to Haven. Yet upon admission to the shelter, she was placed in general population. Dacia said she never detected any viciousness with G7. Just the opposite.
Haven said on a television news report, euthanizing her when we did was the humane thing to do. This heinous and inhumane act has gone viral. These monsters must not be in a position of determining life and death of our animals.
Sign this petition to demand that the City Manager immediately fire Richard Haven and Stacy Smith.