Sanctuary for Tiger!
It's bad enough that wild animals are being snatched from their natural habitat and placed in cages for human entertainment, but to keep them in captivity so long that they cant be released back into the wild & survive, is disturbing. One specific animal that I'm concerned about is the Tiger at Mesker Park Zoo in Evansville Indiana. The area that this tiger is expected to "live" in is entirely too small. The tiger has no space to run like it would if it were in the wild and the lack of excitement and adventure has caused this tiger to experience extreme boredom in its day to day life, as it paces back and forth in circles repetitively. I've read reviews and saw comments having the same concern. This tiger has been stuck in captivity long enough. I think it deserves to live an enjoyable life freely. Sending it back into the wild could be dangerous for the tiger since it has been in a cage for so long and may not know how to survive in the wild again. My suggestion is for the tiger to be released to a true Sanctuary where it will have an appropriate habitat to roam freely but still live as if it were in the wild. My heart truly aches for this tiger and I'm hoping this petition will help in some way.
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