Almost No Discussion Of Climate Crisis In First Democratic Debates

There are so many important issues facing the U.S. right now, but virtually all of them will be made worse by climate change. So why was there so little climate change discussion in the first two debates?

Sign on to tell CNN, the organizer of the next debates to guarantee more questions about climate change. 

The first Democratic debate spent only 6 minutes on climate crisis and the next one spent only 7 minutes. We need to ensure that the candidates are actually talking about the things that will effect us. The Green New Deal was not even mentioned the first night, even though it is the most promising piece of legislation around jobs and climate change right now. 

CNN is hosting the next set of debates in Detroit at the end of July, so we have until then to demand they make climate change a huge part of the next debate. Will you sign on asking them to?

If we are to make informed decisions on who to nominate for Democratic Presidential Candidate, we need to know exactly what each believes and would fight for around climate change. These years of a Trump presidency have set us so far back on any progress. He pulled out of the Paris Agreement and has been consistently dismantling the EPA, among other things. 

If you want a future for this country or this planet, we need to demand our leaders discuss climate ciris. 

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