Stop Canada Goose bird abuse

  • by: abby v
  • recipient: Canada Goose

As if it weren't bad enough for outerwear company Canada Goose to use fur trim from coyotes caught in steel traps and shot or bludgeoned to death, we now know that the company is filling its jackets with down from abused birds. A PETA eyewitness exposé of a Canada Goose down supplier reveals that workers rounded up panicked geese, grabbing and carrying them by the neck, as they struggled with their entire weight hanging from their necks, and crammed them into densely packed cages for transport to slaughter. Some geese were left in the feces-covered crates for up to 24 hours without food or water, including during a trip down the highway to the slaughterhouse lasting over five hours.

Canada Goose misleads the public by claiming that the birds it uses for down get freedom from fear, pain, distress, and physical discomfort. The company tells customers that it is "deeply committed" to the "ethical sourcing of all animal materials"—but it's a lie. See for yourself what really happens to birds used to make Canada Goose down-filled jackets and help stop this abuse.

Update #16 years ago
please share with your friends and family.this is a very serious problem!
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