This Shipping Company Is Protecting Endangered Whales' Lives. More Companies Should Do the Same!

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Kechris Christos, CEO of Aegean Shipping
The Hellenic Trench in the Mediterranean is a key ecosystem for endangered sperm whales. Fewer than 200 of the majestic creatures are left alive in the area - and more die off all the time, often as a result of being hit by large ships.

That's why it's so important for big shipping companies to agree to change their routes to avoid this precious area and save endangered whales. And, incredibly, some companies are agreeing to do just that! Recently, a large international company called Arcadia ShipManagement put whale conservation first by altering its routes to avoid the Hellenic Trench area entirely!

It is incredible to see a company show such commitment to ethics and morals by protecting endangered sperm whales. Now we must call on more organizations to follow suit! Sign the petition to urge Aegean Shipping to also reroute ships to avoid the Hellenic Trench!

Research has revealed that upwards of 50% of whales that wind up stranded in the Hellenic Trench area wind up dying because of these ship strikes. Even worse - many whale deaths aren't actually detected by humans. Studies indicate that humans are only aware of 1 out of ever 21 whales struck and killed by ships.

Luckily, Arcadia ShipManagement - as well as other companies like the Mediterranean Shipping Company - are taking this threat to whales' safety seriously. As Captain Dimitrios Mattheou, the CEO of Arcadia ShipManagement said: "We believe that even one whale lost to a ship strike is one too many. By taking this proactive step, we hope to set an example for the shipping industry and contribute to the global efforts in marine conservation."

And he's right. Whales are precious, but rapidly disappearing from this world. We can't sit back and wait until they've gone extinct.

Let's celebrate Arcadia ShipManagement's commitment to protecting endangered wildlife, and ask other companies to do the same! Sign the petition to ask Kechris Christos, the CEO of Aegean Shipping, to also reroute his vessels to keep whales safe in the Hellenic Trench!
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