Microsoft Plans to Restart Dangerous Nuclear Facility, Infamous for a Major Meltdown in 1979

In a shocking and reckless move, Microsoft announced plans to restart the notorious Three Mile Island nuclear power station to fuel its growing data centers and AI use. Three Mile Island is infamous for the catastrophic nuclear accident there in 1979 - which was the most severe commercial nuclear disaster in the history of the U.S. and the third worst nuclear accident in the history of the entire world.

This decision not only poses a severe risk to public safety but also highlights a dangerous prioritization of profit over the health and well-being of the community and the environment.

Sign the petition to demand Microsoft find a safer, eco-friendly alternative instead!

This is happening because the company currently needs to bolster its data centers in response to the rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud services. But that's not a good enough reason to put humans and the environment at risk!

Microsoft claims that this initiative is part of its commitment to reducing carbon emissions.But turning to a nuclear facility with a dangerous past to fuel data centers is neither a responsible nor sustainable answer.

If major tech companies like Microsoft, Google, and Apple are going to be using power-hungry AI and other energy-intense data functionality, they need to be powering it with safe renewable energy - and not with fossil fuels or unstable energy sources like nuclear power.

We must demand that tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and Apple invest in truly safe, renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. Advancements in technology should never come at the expense of public health and safety, or environmental integrity.

Sign this petition to urge lawmakers and corporate leaders to reject the restart of the Three Mile Island nuclear power station. Demand that instead, Microsoft invests in safe, renewable energy solutions that prioritize the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants.
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