Puppies dying in agony need to be saved now !

In the Hebin Park Zoo, visitors were terrified to see how the zoo keepers were giving puppies to pythons , not only were they alive but they were whining from being scared. The visitors were mortified to see a puppy being swallowed alive by a python. Also there was a video posted by an inhumane worker posted a video of a puppy whinning and crying just being in the same room with the python ,and this worries me because how many more puppies are going to be die in the worst way possible by being eaten alive by a python . I want to make sure that no more puppies are ever used as food and to make sure that Zoo gets checked on to make sure the puppies are no where near site. This petition is going to PETA and famous animal advocate Lisa Vanderpump to help make a difference to stop this horrible crime; also the PETA organization can peruse legal action against the zoo which could make the people who took the video and aloud this to happen be accounted for to the fullest extent. 

Update #17 years ago
Hi everyone ,thank you for signing , I have a total of 550 signatures and we are getting closer and closer to the goal of 1,000 . If everyone could still send this to people they know it would be greatly appreciated !!! We are very close !!!
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