She Denied Her Horses Medical Care, Leaving Them Sickly, Malnourished, and In Pain

A woman who owned several horses in Florida has been accused of starving and neglecting these majestic animals, to the point of leaving them malnourished and in pain.

It's important to protect future animals from neglect. Sign the petition to demand a ban on animal ownership!

Investigators found two horses, Kash and Marshmallow, as well as a pony named Candy, on this woman's property. All three were apparently looking "sickly." In addition to being underweight, they had not received proper medical care.

Authorities had begun working with the woman to ensure that the animals would be seen by an appropriate veterinarian. While the woman claimed she was supposedly working on it, authorities saw no improvements. In fact, the medical situation became so bad, the horses wound up in physical pain from un-maintained hooves. Without proper maintenance, horses' hooves can suffer from overgrowth, splitting, deformity, and inflammation. If left untreated for long enough, it can lead to irreversible damage.

Eventually, authorities determined that the woman had not changed her patterns of neglect and therefore rescued the three animals from her property. She has been arrested and charged with animal cruelty.

Neglect can arise from many different sources, but the most important thing is to protect other horses and even pets from neglect or abuse. Authorities should ban her from future animal ownership. Sign the petition!
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