Did you know more than 1,900 animals are reported to the media for abuse?
Heroes of the Heart is a non profit that wants to make a difference for animals and their futures. By creating an animal abuse registry, we could keep track of who has been convicted of animal abuse, to what extent and prevent them from obtaining more animals. With th is registry, only veterinarians, shelters, and police would be able to access this site; but if you are selling an animal online you can request records for a small fee. If a vet has a concern, they can check into the owners. If a shelter is adopting out a pet, they could check these records before doing so. If a neighbor calls in regarding an animal, the police can check it. Giving everyone access could pose risks and and cause privacy concerns as all records may not be accessible. Which would make this registry less likely to pass.
We hope to start this registry will all the support we can get. Our goal is to make it nationwide!!! Please sign and help make a difference. Give these animals a voice.