They Trapped Their Dog in a Cage Without Food or Water and Then Burned Her to Death. Demand Justice!

In a horrifying act of cruelty, two people have been charged for torturing and killing their one-year-old pit bull. The dog was confined to a crate without food or water for several days before being doused in lighter fluid and set on fire in a public parking lot. This cruelty is beyond comprehension. Those responsible should not only face criminal charges but should also be banned from ever owning animals again.

Sign the petition to demand a lifetime ban on animal ownership and mandatory psychological counseling for the individuals involved in this heinous crime.

The dog was subjected to extreme neglect before being burned alive, leaving her with no chance of survival. In addition to charges and an animal ownership ban, we must address the root causes of these violent behaviors. 

It is clear that something deeply troubling led to this horrific crime, and counseling should be a part of their sentence to help address the underlying issues that may have caused this behavior. This could help prevent future acts of violence, both towards animals and possibly others.

Sign the petition now to demand a lifetime ban on animal ownership and psychological counseling for those responsible for this horrific crime. 

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