De-clawing is literally maiming a cat. It is illegal and termed "inhumane" and "unnecessary mutilation" in most countries of the world because of its crippling effects, not only physically, but emotionally and behaviorally. De-clawing may result in permanent lameness, arthritis, and other long-term complications. All de-clawed cats suffer from depression. It is abuse of cats.
Urine damage and property destruction are major ongoing results of de-clawing. They can't dig properly in their litter box so they will often find a more comfortable place to urinate like your living room carpet or they may spray against your kitchen cupboards or doors. You will also experience chewing damage to things like wood furniture and cords.
De-clawing also deprives your cat of his primary means of defense, leaving him prey to predators if he ever escapes outside. A cat's claws are vital to his sense of balance, mobility, survival, and to his sense of security. It is very distressful for a cat whose life is out of balance. They feel helpless, naked, powerless, vulnerable, and often become hostile to people, including you, and are more apt to bite. People are being bitten by de-claws, and teeth penetrate much deeper than claws!
Your cat's claws are an important part of its design for his body. Amputating this important part of his anatomy drastically alters the conformation of his feet. Most cat guardians would not allow their cat to have this surgery if the word 'amputate' was used. There are no benefits to the cat. De-clawing is done strictly to provide convenience to people."
De-clawing is a serious surgery. It is not merely a trimming of the toenails, but an amputation of the last joint or bone of your cat's "toes". Envision this painful operation and its painful recovery period in which your cat still has to use his feet to walk, jump, and scratch in his litter box regardless of the pain and discomfort he is experiencing and you can understand why it is not a humane act. There are no wheelchairs or bedpans for cats.
The following will give you a sobering look at "The Truth about De-clawing – Technical Facts" Your veterinarian does not tell you about all these potential horrifying and frightening side effects.
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