This petition is for Federal and State animal abuse laws to be appended with a clause that any person convicted of Misdemeanor or more excessive animal abuse crime be legally forbidden from owning an animal or engaging in employment or sport that involve animals for the remainder of his or her life.
This clause will make it 100% possible for the Law to immediately remove an animal from the possession of a previously convicted animal abuser without question. Law enforcement's role would be no different than it is today when it is called upon to intervene in circumstances of animal abuse. We the People will construct a grassroots sanctuary structure within our communities to transition intercepted animals from law enforcement to safe shelters. Our addendum to animal abuse law is built upon animal abuse laws that are already in place and does not require the rework of those statutes.
Our proposal's primary objective is to protect animals, not to punish abusers. Our States do not have the financial and human resources required to monitor the behavior of convicted animal abusers. Our proposal is a justified work-around with regard to that lack of resources.